Masterpiece #6
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Alex Maleev
Colors by Ian Herring and Moo Meng
Letters by Joshua Reed
The Rundown: Masterpiece and her team infiltrate Preston’s home for one final confrontation.

Preston has returned home to find that he is not alone. Masterpiece is there waiting for him as she and her friends have taken control of his sleep monitoring equipment. As one of their members keeps the medical team busy, Masterpiece and her team proceed to take Preston through a mind-bending journey that will leave him forever changed.
In the aftermath, Masterpiece and her team decide to complete their plan by leaving their wealthy benefactor with something that she might or might not appreciate as the results of Preston’s new mental state become public.
The Story: Bendis brings this story to a fun and entertaining conclusion filled with thrills and suspense. I enjoyed the tone of this story a lot and there are so many great moments for the characters as well as a fantastic twist in the dynamic between Masterpiece and Preston. The final parts of the plan are pulled off beautifully and create a fantastic revenge for the character as well as teasing something new for Masterpiece and her friends.
The Art: Maleev delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The story has some great visual moments and a sequence that showcases great imagery.