Mary Jane & Black Cat: Beyond #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by C.F. Villa
Colors by Erick Arciniega
Letters by Travis Lanham
The Rundown: Black Cat and Mary Jane team up to take on the criminal underworld.

Felicia Hardy decides to pay Peter Parker a visit in the hospital and finds herself at gunpoint facing off against The Hood who wants something only she can get for him. Unfortunately, Mary Jane will get caught up in the scheme as well in order to protect Peter’s life. With only hours to get what the Hood is looking for, Mary Jane and Felicia reluctantly team up to find it. Their first stop will be to see someone who knows what happened to the Hood.
Black Cat goes to see a contact in the criminal underworld. One who isn’t interested in helping her, but seems to be a huge fan of Mary Jane Watson. After going through the underworld to find answers, the pair discover that the person who has what they’re looking for is the most dangerous one on the list. Someone who will require a bold and ingenious plan in order to rob.
The Story: This was a fun and inventive story from start to finish. It almost perfectly encapsulates the dynamic between these two characters while also giving them agency outside of their connection to Peter. MacKay does a great job of giving the characters personality, depth and spirit and I enjoyed everything about this story.
The Art: Villa creates some great visuals throughout the issue. There are some fun, visually interesting moments throughout and the imagery perfectly matches the fun tone of the story.