Marvel Voices Legacy #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Cody Ziglar, J. Holthan, Natacha Bustos, Victor LaValle, Maria Frohlich
Art by Jahnoy Lindsay, Julian Shaw, Larry Houston, Natacha Bustos, Eder Messias, Karen Darboe, Maria Frohlich, Sean Damien Hill, Paris Alleyne
Inks by Oren Junior
Colors by Paris Alleyne, Dijjo Lima, Ian Herring, Stephanie Paitreau
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Black heroes take center stage in a series of stories across the Marvel universe.
T’Challa discusses both the legacy of the Black Panther and how he will face death when it is his time. He faces that end with hope that not only can he faithfully guide his successor, but also honor the Panthers that have guided him.
A powerful one page story that both embraces the importance of legacy, but also how it can shape those who hope to pass it on. The page is beautifully illustrated and something I would love to hang on my wall.

Date Night
Sam Wilson has taken the mantle of Captain American and all the responsibility that goes with it. Sam Wilson is also a guy just trying to make it to a date with Misty Knight, but finds himself being stopped on the street and seeing something that makes him leap into action. What he finds is Taskmaster and their confrontation will have a surprising resolution.
Holtham crafts a fun, action-packed adventure for Sam and I love both the momentum of the story and its conclusion. The art is beautifully vibrant and filled with energy.
The Coolest
Misty Knight and Luke Cage find themselves facing off against a laughable villain who challenges them on whether or not they are cool. As they defend themselves, they have some fun trying to decide which one of them is actually the coolest.
A fun short that has some great throwback moments for the characters. The art is bright and fun as well.
Wanna Play?
It is the Night of the Dead in Wakanda and Shuri is ready to spend it partying with her brother. Unfortunately, the Black Panther has business to attend to. Shuri decides that she and Okoye are going to have fun without him. Fun that includes finding their countries mystery guest who just happens to be an Avenger. An Avenger who shows up just in time to find Shuri battling a creature from folklore.
A fun and entertaining short that does a great job of showcasing the relationship between Shuri and T’Challa as well as the beauty of Wakanda with its art.
Monica Rambeau discusses her name, what it means and what she hopes to accomplish while using it. She talks of the empowering nature of her codename as well as how she hopes to empower others.

Cecilia Reyes discusses both her powers and how she uses them to both protect herself and help others as she uses them to delicately treat a young mutant child in need.
A nice short that showcases how interesting Cecilia is as well as evolved her character has become.
Cross-Borough Caper
The death of an animal in the park will bring Moon-Girl and Devil Dinosaur to the Bronx to investigate. After being attacked by another dinosaur, Moon-Girl discovers something different about it. Something solidified when it begins to talk to her. She soon discovers that her new friend is lost and it will take teamwork and science to get it back where it belongs.
A fun short story that does a great job of showcasing how great a character Moon-Girl is. Great, lively art throughout the story.
A Treasure Worthy of A King
Runa the Valkyrie is sent by Sif to investigate a sigil in Stockholm connected to Thor. What she discovers is a missing scientist and a mystery connected to a dead king and a vault filled with treasure. Treasure that has an unfortunate effect on any human who comes in contact with it.
A fun and entertaining story with some great action and visuals.
Blue Marvel sails over the city and thinks about both his legacy and his powers. As he pushes himself beyond the limits of the Earth, he takes a look back to think about his greatest strength and how it can inspire others.
A great short that shows one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe with great art on every panel.
Tiana and Miles decide to race to the Baxter Building and raise the stakes on what the loser has to do.
A fun and visually stunning short that I would have loved to see more of.