Star Wars Celebration has begun in Europe and the announcements are flying at light speed for fans including the announcement of three new Star Wars movies and the return of a sequel star.

According to the announcements, the three new films will take fans into the distant past, the explosive “present” and the unknown future of the Star Wars universe.

Filmmaker James Mangold (Logan) will take audiences into the past with a film set 25000 years before any of the timelines explored in the movies or shows. His film will explore the dawn of the Force in the universe. Mangold said of the project;
“When I first started talking to Kathy about doing one of these pictures, what occurred to me was thinking about what kind of genre of movie within Star Wars I wanted to do,” he said. “And I thought about a Biblical epic, like a Ten Commandments, about the dawning of the Force. Where did the Force come from, when did we discover it, when did we learn how to use it?”

Dave Filoni (The Mandalorian, Star Wars Rebels) is keeping his upcoming film set in the timeline immediately following Return of the Jedi and his current Mandalorian series. Filoni’s films is said to be a climactic event for characters in The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett and the upcoming Ahsoka series. With Thrawn finally making his live action debut in Ahsoka and am off Gideon in the wind, it definitely feels like Filoni is teasing a huge event for the Star Wars universe.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy (Freedom Fighters, Ms Marvel) will be taking the Star Wars universe into the future with the announcement that she is directing the feature film return of Daisy Ridley’s Rey to the Star Wars universe. The film will find Rey 15 years after the events of The Rise of Skywalker leading a new Jedi Academy.
Obaid-Chinoy said if her journey to Star Wars; “I have spent the better part of my life meeting real heroes who are overcoming oppressive regimes and battling impossible odds. And I think that is the heart of Star Wars,” she said. Ridley didn’t say much about her return beyond saying she; “was thrilled to be continuing this journey.”
Let me know what you think of the new direction the Star Wars universe is taking on the big screen in the comments below.