Love Everlasting #12
Image Comics
Written by Tom King
Art by Elsa Charretier
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: The Cowboy is revealed as he continues his hunt for Joan.

After his love Joan Peterson vanished before his eyes, the Cowboy named Jake becomes obsessed with finding her and the only clue he has is her aunt in Rochester. Determined to find her, his hunt will bring him only death and despair as he kills anyone that gets in his way.
As he gets closer to his location, the deaths he delivered come back with a vengeance and a dark reckoning with someone who will make him a dark and tragic offer.
The Story: King takes the time to continue the Cowboy’s story and it is wonderfully engaging. The story is filled with suspense and dark determination. It brings the reader through the character’s journey and motivations before dropping him into a new and dangerous world. I love the drama being teased in the character’s mission and cannot wait to see it play out.
The Art: Charretier offers some beautifully detailed and dramatic art throughout the issue. The beautiful art style is as compelling and engaging as the story.