Locke & Key In Pale Battalions Go #3
IDW Publishing
Written by Joe Hill
Art by Gabriel Rodriguez
Colors by Jay Fotos
Letters by Shawn Lee
The Rundown: Johnnie returns home from the front and brings trouble with him.
In an effort to escape the horrors of the war, Johnnie returns to Key House, but the injured young man is pursued by Germans who are in possession of the keys themselves and control the shadows he once did. When John’s mother is gravely injured by one of the soldiers, the others go in search of the rest of the family as their commander searches for the rest of the keys.

As vulnerable as the family is, they are not without resources and have a lot more experience using the keys than the Germans pursuing them. The Locke family will wage their own personal war within the walls of the house and tragedy will be the cost for everyone involved.
The Story: Joe Hill does a great job of bringing real stakes and danger to this story. There is a sense that anything can happen and there is no predicting where the story will go next. That sense of the unknown allows the reader to become engaged in the story, the characters and the danger that they are in. Even in the aftermath of the action, Hill keeps the mood focused on the characters and you feel the loss they feel and the tension that follows. A great conclusion to an interesting story.
The Art: Rodriguez delivers some powerful and beautiful imagery in this issue. Every panel is filled with beautiful details. The art perfectly captures the mood of the story and delivers thrills and chills with every page.