Local Man #12
Image Comics
Written by Tony Fleecs and Tim Seeley
Art by Tony Fleecs
Colors by Brad Simpson and Allen Passalaqua
Letters by
The Rundown: Jack discovers the dark conspiracy within Farmington as well as Inga’s darkest secret.

Jack returns to Farmington after discovering Inga trapped in a basement. After some choice words from and to Rudy, he sends her off to pick up something they might need. At the same time, Jack and Inga return to the town to discover more about the cult taking over the town.
After returning to the town, Jack and Inga decide to take one of the cult members to deprogram them and get information. Their target will not only reveal the truth behind the cult, but also information that could get Inga killed by Jack.
The Story: Fleecs and Seeley continue to ramp up the drama and mystery in this new arc. It’s an interesting and entertaining story that is filled with suspense and mystery. Jack’s journey continues to be an interesting one filled with people he cannot trust and circumstances that force him to deal with the threats to the only people he cares about. I continue to enjoy how the story expands and evolves the characters and look forward to seeing what happens next.
The Art: Fleecs delivers some awesome art throughout the story. The art is beautifully detailed and captures the tone of the story.