Little Monsters #9
Image Comics
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Dustin Nguyen
Colors by Dustin Nguyen
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: More of the kids’ pasts are revealed as their war with each other requires answers from one of them.

Another journey to the past opens the issue as another one of the kids first introduction to the vampires is featured before the story returns to the present with the kids divided. With one side burning the sleeping areas of the others, Billy demands that Lucas and Yui turn over Laura so that they can feed on her. Unfortunately, the rising sun ends the stalemate and Yui tells Laura that she has to run because they can’t keep her safe anymore.
At the same time, the surviving twin continues his captivity with the mystery man who is setting traps for the others and thinking about what he’s lost. As Laura tries to make her way out of the area and back to her camp, Yui and Lucas turn to Romi for answers.
The Story: Lemire continues to craft an entertaining story with some great stakes for the characters. I love the tension in the story and how the mystery is being revealed along with the backstory of each of the kids. I’ve been invested and engaged with this series from the beginning and it continues to get more intriguing with each new revelation.
The Art: Nguyen delivers beautifully dramatic art in the issue and the black and white illustrations bring a wonderful level of drama to the story.