Little Monsters #3
Image Comics
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Dustin Nguyen
Colors by Dustin Nguyen
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: Billy reveals a secret to the others and Romie meets someone new.

At the height of a second pandemic and with the world falling to ruin, Billy steals supplies to bring to his sick mother. When he returns home and finds her dead, he is confronted by a dark figure and his future friends. In the present, Billy tells the others of the man he found that they can all feast on. After convincing some of them to go with him, they set off to find him.
At the same time, the child who shot an arrow into Romie’s chest sees the child remove it without pain before her friends arrive. Hearing them coming, Romie tells the girl that they won’t hurt her as the pair hide. After seeing what Billy and the others do to the man lying in the road, Romie reveals to the girl what they are.
The Story: Lemire continues to craft an interesting and compelling world in this issue and the characters become more complex and engaging within it. I like the pace of the story a lot and hoe events are unfolding with the different characters as well as the look at their backstories and histories. I like how the story is handling the Romie storyline and am interested in seeing where it goes given what is happening to the girl’s world and family.
The Art: Nguyen delivers some beautiful art in the issue. There is a wonderful visual sense of the world of these characters and the art brilliantly complements the emotions of the characters and the darkness of their circumstances.