Lawful #8

BOOM! Studios

Written by Greg Pak

Art by Diego Galindo

Colors by Irma Kniivila

Letters by Simon Bowland

The Rundown: Sung embraces his power and prepares to lead a revolution.

Sung decides to break the rules and embrace the power the Witch’s Ward gives him and the rest of the monsters. Knowing that the ward isn’t a curse, he decides that Eris and the others need to follow him to bring down New Sanctum once and for all. A prospect that forces the new Champion to break the ultimate rule and embrace the power to take down Sung and his revolutionaries.

Sung and the rest of the monsters make their coordinated assault against New Sanctum as Sung is confronted by his worried mother. As Sung and his forces take out the “cure” and confront the mayor, people begin to learn the truth about New Sanctum. A truth that will bring the Champion forth to end Sung and his revolution once and for all.

The Story: Pak brings this story to an entertaining yet personal conclusion. The story is thrilling, emotional and captures all of the emotional growth the character has gone through on his journey. I like the way everything comes together with the story and its characters and Pak leaves the door open for more stories from this world.

The Art: Galindo delivers beautifully detailed and visually impressive art throughout the issue.

Lawful #8



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