Knight Terrors: First Blood #1
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Howard Porter
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman find themselves investigating a break in that will send ripples throughout the world.

John Dee finds himself inside a nightmare that he hasn’t given to someone else and the entity that creates it decides that Dee has something that it wants, the Nightmare Stone. At the same time, Superman and Wonder Woman get a call to come to the Hall of Justice where Batman is waiting for them. After going into a secure area that can only be accessed by one of the three of them, they discover something inside that will lead to an even bigger problem.
Deadman has been following the events at the same time and when the three heroes depart to deal with related issues, Boston follow Batman to Arkham Tower where a new villain known as Insomnia debuts in dramatic fashion by putting the entire world to sleep and filling the world with nightmares and only Batman and some others are still awake to fight back.
The Story: Williamson delivers a solid first act in this event series. Conceptually, I find it interesting, but as a fan of DC Comics and the world that this story is buttressing, if there is no direct connection to the Sandman or the world of the Endless, I will be disappointed. Everything in this first part of the story teases the world of Morpheus including a direct parallel made by Deadman and I want to see that part of the story play out. I’m interested in seeing how this goes, but I’m not sure all of the issues announced for it will be necessary for the overall plot.
The Art: Anderson delivers some great art in the issue. The art has a fluid, other-worldly feel to it and that works perfectly for the ethereal nature of the story and its characters.