Knight Terrors #4
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi and Caspar Wijngaard
Colors by Frank Martin and Caspar Wijngaard
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Deadman attempts to use the Nightmare Stone to stop Insomnia.

With the Nightmare Stone is hand, Deadman, Sandman and Robin return to Arkham to find the room Insomnia is staying in. As the trio continue to encounter nightmares, they reach their location and Deadman attempts to learn more about their foe.
After discovering the events that created the enemy they now face, Deadman tries to use the stone to free him. Unfortunately, that is exactly what Insomnia wants and things get a lot worse.
The Story: Williamson crafts an entertaining story with an interesting twist that was well executed if a little predictable. The action was great and there are some engaging and intriguing moments throughout the issue. The lead up to the reveal was filled with great tension and the backstory of Insomnia was more compelling than I was expecting.
The Art: All of the artist deliver some beautiful art throughout the issue. I love the nightmarish visions throughout the panels and the backstory had a beautiful otherworldly tone to it.