Knight Terrors #2
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi and Caspar Wijngaard
Colors by Frank Martin and Caspar Wijngaard
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Deadman learns more about their enemy as Insomnia continues his search.

After resurrecting Wesley Dodds, Deadman asks him about the Nightmare Stone. After learning about a cult Dodds broke up while they were trying to bring it into existence, the former hero known as the Sandman decides to tag along to help solve the case.
Boston is still connected to Insomnia and decides to use their connection to learn more about the villain. Unfortunately, that connection works both ways and Insomnia decides to send his nightmarish Sleepless Knights to stop Boston once and for all.
The Story: The second issue crafts not only some interesting back story for Insomnia, but also ups the stakes and the tension in the series. I like seeing Boston more active in the story and the inclusion of the Wesley Dodds version of the Sandman is a great touch. The story has some great, dark action throughout and I really enjoyed the introduction of the Sleepless Knights. I look forward to seeing what comes next.
The Art: All of the artists deliver some fantastic imagery throughout the issue. The art does a brilliant job of conveying both the adventure and horror of the story.