Knight Terrors #1
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi and Caspar Winjgaard
Colors by Frak Martin and Caspar Winjgaard
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Deadman takes on Insomnia as the world succumbs to nightmare sleep.

In the wake of the attack that has devastated the world, Deadman has taken over the body of Batman in order to fight off the forces of Insomnia. After learning more about the villain he’s fighting and his desire for the Nightmare Stone, Boston returns to Batman’s body in order to help the Dark Knight escape.
Knowing that this mission is bigger than he anticipated, Boston Brand goes looking for allies. His first stop will be at the grave of a former hero. Using the Lazarus resin, he resurrects a potential ally. Someone who knows a lot about both the Dream Stone and the realm it comes from.
The Story: Williamson crafts an entertaining story in this issue. I enjoyed the plot a lot and how Deadman is being utilized within the story. His clash with Insomnia is really good and I enjoyed how Boston was able to learn more about the character and his connection to the Nightmare Stone. The connection to the Lazarus Rain event was handled well and everything leads to a great reveal at the end that I hope leads to a bigger reveal down the road.
The Art: All of the artist bring their unique styles together to create some great, dark and nightmarish visuals throughout the issue.