Kill Train #1
Mad Cave Studios
Written by Olivia Cuartero-Briggs
Art by Martina Niosi
Colors by Simone D’Angelo
Letters by Becca Carey
The Rundown: A mother and writer finds herself on a deadly trip.
New York City has a population problem. A problem that leads to a desperate and dangerous solution. Commuters who take the train have a chance of finding themselves on something called a Kill Train where professional assassins dispatch them in what is reported to be humane, but is far different in practice.
Vanessa has recently divorced and finds herself living with her new fiancé and child in the city. Struggling with her writing career, a series of events force Vanessa to have to take the train thinking there can’t be another kill train so soon after the last. As the train misses multiple stops, the passengers realize too late that they are on the latest kill train.
The Story: Olivia Cuartero-Briggs delivers an interesting premise in this first issue. There are interesting layers to the story and I really enjoyed the commentary on society, over population and more. There is a great buildup of tension and suspense in the story that culminates in moments of terror that make me excited to see what this series has to offer.
The Art: Niosi delivers fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the visual difference between the seeming innocence of Vanessa’s world and the reality of the world beneath her.