Last week, DC Comics and Batman the Animated Series creators Paul Dini and Alan Burnett along with artist Ty Templeton (Batman Adventures) released the first issue of the comic book continuation of the celebrated animated series.


In order to bring fans back into the world of the Dark Knight and his Rogues Gallery, Kevin Conroy will dramatically read a chapter from Batman: The Adventures Continue, DC’s new, digital-first comic, written by Alan Burnett and Paul Dini. Conroy originated the role of Batman in the Emmy Award-winning Batman: The Animated Series, which Burnett and Dini both produced, and has portrayed the Dark Knight more times than any other actor.


Download your digital copy of the first chapter before the event and read along, live, with Kevin Conroy this Thursday April 9, at 10am PT on DC’s Instagram ! Batman: The Adventures Continue Chapter One, written by Alan Burnett and Paul Dini with art by Ty Templeton and color by Monica Kubina, featuring a cover by Dave Johnson, is available now. Batman: The Adventures Continue Chapter Two will hit digital platforms on Wednesday April 15.

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