Juvenile #1

Image Comics

Written by Jesus Orellana

Art by Jesus Orellana

Colors by Jesus Orellana

Letters by Jesus Orellana

The Rundown: A young woman discovers that the new boy at their facility might have a secret.

In the wake of a national tragedy, teenagers are shuttled off to camps to avoid succumbing to a deadly disease. Subjected to both drugs and experimental surgery, the teens find themselves in a military run hospital where Sara lives with her brother Noah.

When a new boy named Max arrives at the facility, he is brought to the director and given a tour. As Sara tries to actively ignore him, an event will lead her to being caught late. An event that will allow her to see that there is more to Max than meets the eye.

The Story: Jesus Orellana delivers an entertaining and engaging story in this first issue. The story has a great buildup of tension throughout the issue and does that through the eyes of Sara who is an intriguing character herself. The character of Max is also intriguing and their parallel stories are setup in a way that makes the story and the world building compelling. I like the story a lot and look forward to seeing where this story goes next.

The Art: Jesus Orellana delivers some great art in the issue. I really enjoyed the visual style a lot and how the visuals capture the tone and tension of the story.

Juvenile #1



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