Justice League vs Godzilla vs King Kong #1
DC Comics
Written by Brian Buccellato
Art by Christian Duce
Colors by Luis Guerrero
Letters by Richard Starkings and Jimmy Betancourt
The Rundown: The Justice League finds themselves battling titans from another Earth.

Clark decides to make the big step to propose to Lois and his friends are with him. While they gather for Justice League business to take down Titano, the Legion of Doom gathers to come up with a new plan. A plan Lex Luthor decides to spearhead.
Lex decides to break into the fortress of solitude and their plan gets upended. A disaster that takes them to another world where Godzilla, Kong and other titans rule. A world they decide to exploit to destroy the League.
The Story: A thrilling, entertaining first issue. I thoroughly enjoyed the tone and pacing of the story and where it exists in the time of these characters. The backdrop of the proposal works really well and I love seeing the counterpoint between the League and a nascent Legion of Doom. The introduction of and inclusion of both Godzilla and Kong work really well and the explanation for it is entertaining.
The Art: Duce delivers some beautifully detailed and visually dynamic art throughout the issue. The characters look fantastic and the titans are beautifully rendered both in detail and scale.