Justice League Odyssey #25
DC Comics
Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Will Conrad
Colors by Rain Beredo
Letters by Andworld Design
The Rundown: The combined might of the restored Odyssey team will have to take down Darkseid once and for all.
Jessica Cruz and the Odyssey team confront Darkseid as he prepares to rewrite all of history with himself in control. With time running out, they attempt to stop the despot before he can finish the process, but that is easier said than done. After regaining control of one of the Cyborgs and severely injuring ones of the Cruz’s, the rest of the heroes have to fight a bigger foe with no guarantee they will succeed.

Meanwhile, Hax, Dex-Starr and Gamma Knife work to complete the machine as Darkseid fights. In a moment of surprise, Hax and the others decide to do something that will change the course of the battle. An act that will cause the rest of the heroes to preapre for bigger war to come.
The Story: A good conclusion to this arc from Dan Abnett. Many of the emotional moments with the team had resonance and there are some great character moments. The pace was a little fast and Gamma Knife’s fate was to abrupt, but serving as a means to connect the story back to Death Metal, the story worked.
The Art: Will Conrad’s art was fantastic. There were so many great action moments, especially with Darkseid. The ending was big, bold and dramatic as well and Conrad brings all that to life with detailed art full of energy.