Justice League #62
DC Comics
Written by Brian Michael Bendis and Ram V
Art by David Marquez and Xermanico
Colors by Ivan Plascencia and Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Josh Reed and Rob Leigh
The Rundown: Hippolyta looks for purpose and Barry realizes he made a huge mistake.

Hippolyta returns to the Hall of Justice looking for someone to talk to. After finding Barry, she talks to him about her place in the world and the conversation sparks an awareness for Flash that will require him to call in some help. On Naomi’s homeworld, the heroes continue to fight for their lives against a foe that seems unbeatable. The fight will not only reveal the extent of the damage to Naomi’s world, but will also get the attention of the being responsible.
Merlin’s next stop is a place lost at sea. While the Justice League Dark team fights to end his enchantments in the library, the wizard is working on the next part of his plan. Constantine has some questions for Jason Blood about his return to the world and Ragman discovers the secret Zatanna is hiding from the rest of the team.
The Story: Bendis does a great job of making this story feel more personal as it shifts to Naomi’s perspective. I like the Hippolyta storyline and how she is being incorporated into the team, but the team action is the real focus and Bendis does a good job of bringing that out in the dialogue and action. The JL Dark story is shaping up to be something really intriguing thanks to Ram V. The mystery is compelling, the characters and great and the reveals make it worth reading.
The Art: Marquez does some great work with the art in this issue. There is some awesome action throughout. The JL Dark story is brilliantly illustrated by Xermanico.