Justice League #60
DC Comics
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by David Marquez
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Josh Reed
The Rundown: With an invasion from Naomi’s home world eminent, the League will have to look to some new blood to help them prevent it.

In the wake of Brutus’ attack on Khandaq, Black Adam goes to visit Naomi to get answers. Unfortunately, his conversation is interrupted by Superman who thinks he’s threatening the young woman. After sorting out their misunderstanding, Superman invites Adam to the Hall of Justice in order to compare notes on the battle as well as for Clark to make a proposal to the team about Black Adam joining them.
As the rest of the team argues about whether or not to admit Black Adam to the group, Brutus resurfaces and they head out to face him. Once they reach the scene they discover Hippolyta waiting and discover that Brutus attacked Themyscira. With more information in hand, the League decides that going to Naomi’s world might be the only way to prevent what happened there to happen here.
The Story: Bendis is crafting an interesting arc for both the League and Naomi as a character. I liked the story a lot and how Superman champions for the team to embrace different points of view, even those of Black Adam. Adam himself feels a little muted at times and I would like to see more of his personality come through, but his presence is interesting. The team dynamic works for me as well and I am interested in seeing where this story goes next.
The Art: David Marquez has a beautiful art style to these characters. There are a lot of great details throughout as well as characters that have great expression filled moments.