Justice League #57
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Xermanico
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Tom Napolitano
The Rundown: After freeing the Legion of Doom from Perpetua’s throne, the heroes and villains will face a mutual threat.
Dick Grayson remembers his first sight of the Justice League and how in awe of them he was. As an adult and more seasoned hero, he now sees them in the light of someone who recognizes when people are winging it. That’s exactly what prompts him to go on the mission with Kendra to find the throne. Unfortunately, with the Legion free, more winging it will be needed.

As the two sides fight it out, Detective Chimp arrives to remind them they have a bigger problem to face, the Omega Knight. As Nightwing takes command, Martian Manhunter enters Lex’s mind to remind him of how they got to this point and that he and the rest of the universe needs Lex’s help if anything is to survive.
The Story: Joshua Williamson does an excellent job of bringing this plot home with all its complexities and emotion. Having it told from Dick’s point of view has always been the best part of the story and Williamson shows the characters evolution and how that affects his ability to lead. The plot moves very fast, but it does take the time to make it an effective part of the larger story. A well done issue.
The Art: Xermanico delivers some beautiful art throughout this issue. There are some great action moments and the battle against the Omega Knight is visually stunning.