Jonny Quest #5
Dynamite Entertainment
Written by Joe Casey
Art by Sebastian Piriz
Colors by Lorenzo Scaramella
Letters by Taylor Esposito
The Rundown: Jonny and his family take on Zin and his forces as they look for a way to get home.

After infiltrating Zin’s base, old Jonny leads his younger self through the base in order to find Zin’s version of the time device that stranded Jonny and the others in the future. At the same time, Benton fights to find his sons while Race and Hadji are pinned down by Zin’s robotic soldiers.
The group reforms and discover the true location of Zin as his device is destroyed. As Zin sets the base to self-destruct, Jonathan has to find a way to get his family out of the area as well as a way to get them back to the 1960’s. A task that will have Benton wondering what kind of father he is being to Jonny.
The Story: Casey crafts a fun, thrilling and entertaining story in this issue. I like the twists and turns throughout the plot as well as the action. There are some great stakes throughout the story and I loved the moments of introspection from Benton regarding his role as a father in Jonny’s life. There are some great reveals in the story and enough mystery to keep it interesting. I also really love the full circle moment at the end of the issue and what it means to the overall arc.
The Art: Piriz delivers visually striking and thrilling art throughout the issue.