John Constantine Hellblazer: Dead in America #5
DC Comics
Written by Simon Spurrier and Aaron Campbell
Art by Aaron Campbell, Kelsey Ramsay, John Pearson and John McCrea
Colors by Jordie Bellaire, Francesca Segala, John Pearson and Mike Spicer
Letters by Steve Wands and Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Constantine continues his dangerous journey across a changing American landscape.
Prologue and Epilogue

Constantine and his allies make their way across the desert in their bus with John trying to determine his next move with the errant piece of sand from the Dream King. His journey will bring him and the others face to face with some interesting stories that will draw the attention of powerful forces trying to hide themselves from the lord of Dreams.
Spurrier continues to craft an entertaining and engaging story for John in this issue. The story has sone wonderful lore throughout and the connections to the Sandman continue to be an exciting tease that keeps me coming back to this series. The art is beautifully detailed and captures the tone of the story perfectly.
Shi Naasha
Constantine and his group find themselves stopping for an older, Native traveler who needs help and has a story to tell about his wayward daughter and the loss of his culture among the younger generation. A story that will culminate in a confrontation with a dangerous creature connected to ancient judgement.
A fun and entertaining story that has some wonderfully relevant moments for the characters and a great message to the reader.
One-Way Ticket
A young man awakens in a tent looking for help, but continues to be ignored by everyone around him. All he wants to do is get back home, but finds no friendly faces anywhere. Constantine discovers the young man and listens to his story only to discover the truth behind the young man’s life.
An entertaining and interesting story that has a wonderful and tragic tone that was beautifully engaging.
Reluctant to continue dealing with the locals, Constantine is upset when Nat decides to stop for a stranger broken down by the side of the road who wants to tell them all about his discovery of a mythological creature roaming the desert. A creature Constantine is convinced isn’t real, but a story that powerful will create its own reality around it that Constantine might not be ready for.
A fun and interesting contrast to the darker tone of the rest of the stories. There are some great dark comedic beats to the tale with fun visuals.