John Constantine Hellblazer Dead in America #2
DC Comics
Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Aaron Campbell
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Constantine seeks counsel from someone who can help him resurrect Swamp Thing.

Constantine sends out of his allies to locate a woman in New Orleans who could be the key to helping him resurrect Swamp Thing. Someone who has an interesting story to tell before she decides to pay John a visit. A visit that will send John’s friends on a quest to hunt down a vampire while he visits another plane of existence to seek answers.
After discovering the path, he runs into some familiar faces including one that has a direct connection to the Endless. After seeing the truth, Constantine must face off against something that wants his vitality and will do anything to get it.
The Story: Spurrier continues to craft a thoroughly entertaining story for Constantine in this issue. The story contains all of the elements that make the character entertaining including the inevitable betrayals and double crosses. I love the connections to the Sandman universe as well as the ominous nature of Constantine’s mission. I find myself fully immersed in this series and cannot wait for the next issue.
The Art: Campbell’s visuals are stunning. The art is immersive and filled with fantastic imagery throughout.