John Constantine Hellblazer #11
DC Comics
Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Aaron Campbell
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: John’s connection to a demon he fought in his past will bring him to the site of soemthing truly disturbing.
One of the most powerful men in the country, Clem Thurso, has been trying to get in touch with John Constantine for days. When he finally gets John on the phone, he reveals that he has a connection to the magician. A connection that put the man in the sites of the demon now using the politician’s skin.

As Constantine listens to the demon’s story and how its existence was changed after seeing the fear that the politician was able to elicit in the crowds, he makes his way to the site of a secret entrance. The demon’s fear of what Constantine will discover will drive it to tell John about their shared past as the hero makes his way deep underneath Parliament where he makes a shocking discovery.
The Story: Simon Spurrier crafts a hauntingly intense story in this issue. The personal connection to John is brilliantly well done and the story has a darkly beautiful flow to it as John’s investigation and the conversation with Thurso happen in tandem. The mood of the story is another element that makes it so engaging as a reader and I cannot wait to see where the story goes after that shocking cliffhanger.
The Art: Aaron Campbell’s art is fantastic. It is dark, gritty and perfectly in sync with the tone of the story. I loved the imagery throughout the pages.