John Constantine Hellblazer #10
DC Comics
Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Matias Bergara
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Constantine will discover that his worst enemy will always be himself.
John Constantine receives a mysterious phone call in the middle of the night and unfortunately has to cut it short when he discovers a masked man sitting in his bedroom. After introductions are made and memories are revived, Constantine is taken on a wild trip through his mind and dreams by a version of himself looking for something very special that John has offered him.

At the same time, shadowy figure systematically finds every one of John’s new friends and executes them in violent ways. An act that will connect Constantine present and future into a conflict that will shape John’s relationships going forward.
The Story: Simon Spurrier crafts an interesting tale that is as engaging as it is disturbing. The story take care with the characters and their attitudes and the dialogue finds a good balance for both the character interactions and the shocking events happening around them. Spurrier taps into the emotion of the reader and the great moment when the story lets the reader off the hook is well earned.
The Art: Matias Bergara has an interesting visual style and that style is perfect for this story. There are some moments that feel muddled visually, but the rest of the story has a great feel and weight to it.