Iron Man #6
Marvel Comics
Written by Christopher Cantwell
Art by Cafu
Colors by Frank D’Armata
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Korvac prepares to leave the planet and Iron Man might not be in any position to stop him.
Broken and in pain, Tony Stark finds himself on the floor of a building with Patsy in the alley dealing with some psychological trauma. As both of them work out their issues, Patsy gets it together and rescues Iron Man. The rest of his team have their own issues with Gargoyle being critically injured saving their lives and Korvac’s team escaping.

As Korvac prepares to leave, he still has a psychic connection with Patsy who is questioning whether or not he is right about his plans for the universe. As Iron Man gets patched up, he has a new resolve to end this conflict. One that will cause another conflict when Rhodey returns in full War Machine gear ready for a fight.
The Story: Cantwell brings this story to an exciting cliffhanger with this issue. Tony’s resolve is both interesting and concerning and the dialogue, both internal and external, do a great job of showcasing the conflict inside him. There is a serious tone to this issue that ramps up the tension of the story and its possibilities. I can’t wait to see where it goes next.
The Art: Cafu delivers some beautiful art throughout this issue. The characters re beautifully detailed and the action is thrilling.