Infinite Frontier #5
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Paul Pelletier, Jesus Merino and Tom Derenick
Inks by Norm Rapmund and Raul Fernandez
Colors by Hi-Fi
Letters by Tom Napolitano
The Rundown: Psycho Pirate reveals the truth and the heroes fight to protect the multiverse.

As events in the present unfold with the revelation of Darkseid, the circumstances that brought the heroes to this moment are revealed as well as Psycho Pirate went to specific people to plead his case of the multiverse being a dangerous place that wiped out his world without bringing it back. He also reveals the fact that Darkseid has offered his agents safety for their respective worlds if and when they answer Psycho Pirate’s call. Chase confronts Bones and a family reunion is interrupted by another huge reveal.
Pirate calls in his backup and a brawl ensues as they try to prevent the heroes from rescuing Barry Allen. With the battle raging all around them, Pirate reveals the truth of the planet they are on as Roy Harper is given a choice about the Black Lantern ring he wears. A choice that will either doom his friends or save them. Unfortunately, it might be too late for them all when the true power behind the scenes reveals himself.
The Story: Williamson crafts a good story with some great suspense throughout. There is a darker tone to this issue than the others and the build up has been both interesting and entertaining. There are a lot of elements at play within this issue, but Williamson keeps the story from flying off all over the place and that keeps it from feeling stale or repetitive. I like the tension throughout and am interested in seeing where the story goes next.
The Art: Each of the artists brings some great visual flair to the issue. There is a lot going on in every panel, but the art is laid out in a way that feel inclusive rather the intrusive. An enjoyable range of images throughout.