Imogen of the Wyrding Way #1
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden
Art by Peter Bergting
Colors by Michelle Madsen
Letters by Clem Robins
The Rundown: Imogen makes a dangerous trip to help a young man find his family.

Imogen finds herself in Denmark with the threat of the Nazis growing everywhere. As people flood into the city to escape, they find themselves prey to creatures of the night. After dispatching a group of vampires, Imogen finds a spy in her midst and must act. As she prepares to leave, she is stopped by a young man who needs her help. Help only someone versed in magic can provide.
After traveling to Sweden, she discovers that the young man’s family has joined a group or refugees looking for shelter with a group of trolls in the mountains. Imogen and the boy follow the group to find them, but Imogen’s connection to magic makes conspicuous to the creatures and after fighting with one of them, she discovers their dark and dangerous secret.
The Story: A brilliant one shot from Mignola and Golden. The story is great and the characters are engaging. The setting and story are very immersive. The reader definitely gets a sense of the time and the danger these characters face and using that backdrop to tell this dark story is perfect.
The Art: Bergting does brilliant work with the art in this issue. The characters and beautifully detailed backgrounds grab the eye and draw you in. A great looking book with awesome art throughout.