Icon and Rocket Season One #6
DC Comics/ Milestone
Written by Reginald Hudlin and Leon Chills
Art by Doug Braithwaite
Inks by Andrew Currie and Doug Braithwaite
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Andworld Design
The Rundown: Rocket fights for her life as Icon works to save the innocent.

A drugged Rocket finds herself facing off against the creature that’s been hunting her and her partner. Unable to focus, she finds herself getting some unexpected help from her own tech as Icon and Xiomara have their hands full trying to save the bridge from collapsing. With the effects of the drug slowing her down, a surprise ally arrives to give Rocket a hand in fighting back.
Icon and Xiomara get closer as they fight off the last of their adversaries, but Icon has to get to Rocket fast before it is too late. With time running out, Icon has to face off against his greatest enemy, but he will discover quickly that he will not be doing alone. Meanwhile, a dark group gathers to discuss what they plan to do with this new breed of hero.
The Story: Hudlin and Chills deliver some great tension throughout the issue. There is great dialogue and surprises to be found and I liked seeing Rocket come into her own more and have more agency in events. I love the surprises the in the story and how it evolves Icon as a character separate from Rocket. The end of the issue is ominous and teases something really interesting to come for the characters and I cannot wait to see what it is.
The Art: Braithwaite delivers some powerful, vibrant and brilliantly detailed art on every page. The action is wonderful and the characters look fantastic.