Icon and Rocket Season One #4
DC Comics/Milestone
Written by Reginald Hudlin and Leon Chills
Art by Doug Braithwaite
Inks by Andrew Currie
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Andworld Design
The Rundown: Icon and Rocket take on a powerful foe, meet a potential new ally and make some new enemies in the process.

Rocket’s mother is in danger and Icon and Rocket arrive just in time as Xiomara rescues the woman and gets her to safety. As Icon goes after the creature, Rocket makes a potentially fatal mistake trying to help. A mistake that will put more lives in danger. As Icon and the creature continue to battle it out, Rocket almost causes more collateral damage before the creature disappears with Xiomara on its tail.
Icon recovers from his injuries and proceeds to remove Rocket and her mother from the area to one of his hidden bases. As he’s peppered with questions, he explains why he has remained on the planet for so long and it has to do with his new partner. At the same time, Xiomara meets with some shadowy people who also have plans for Rocket as the other governments the duo have upset make plans to take them out themselves.
The Story: After the big ideas and conflicts in the previous issues, Hudlin and Chills take the time to bring the story back to the characters and their relationship in this issue. The story does a great job of showing the interpersonal conflicts between them as well as Rocket’s need for training by someone. Adding Xiomara into the mix was a great narrative choice and adds some great elements to the story for both Icon and Rocket. Icon dealing with Rocket’s mother is another great thematic moment that was a standout.
The Art: Braithwaite delivers some big and beautifully detailed action throughout the story. The art creates some great atmosphere and the visuals were thrilling throughout.