Icon and Rocket Season One #2
DC Comics/ Milestone
Written by Reginald Hudlin
Art by Doug Braithwaite
Inks by Andrew Currie
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Andworld Design
The Rundown: Icon and Rocket’s crusade to clean up the streets will attract some unwanted and dangerous attention.

Crime has taken a dramatic turn in the streets of Dakota City as Icon and Rocket take to the streets to stop the drugs and gangs crippling the neighborhood. As they work to protect the innocent, they find themselves protected by the neighborhood when the police begin to investigate the vigilantes. Things get tense at home for Raquel when the police come to her home and interrogate her mother. August sends some legal help, but it might not be enough.
At the same time, Augustus receives a visitor from the government who knows his secret and she has a warning for him if he continues. When the duo go out into the night to fight a gang, they discover the leader has been given some tech designed to fight them specifically and Icon raises suspicions that something bigger is going on. Suspicions that will be confirmed by the arrival of a man Augustus shares a violent past with.
The Story: Hudlin raises the stakes in this story by introducing new elements and new threats. The story also does an awesome job of showcasing the natural escalation and evolution of the dangers facing Icon and Rocket. The writing is fantastic and the rich world created in this series is thoroughly engaging. There is also a great mystery being developed in the story as well that broadens the conflict and gives awesome context to the events of the plot. I’m excited about where this story is going and cannot wait to see what happens next after the issue’s awesome cliffhanger.
The Art: Braithwaite delivers some exciting imagery throughout the issue. There are some great visual moments and I love the visual style of the issue.