I Am Batman #14
DC Comics
Written by John Ridley
Art by Christian Duce and Tom Derenick
Colors by Rex Lokus and Romulo Fajardo, Jr
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: After wrapping up an investigation, Batman suddenly takes a dark turn. And a new mask appears in New York City.

When Batman and The Question confront a suspicious group regarding a murder, violence breaks out, leading to an arrest. Meanwhile, a new mask interrupts a potential crime and finds themselves in an altercation that ends in a showdown with a detective. Afterwards, Chubb asks Batman for help, but makes an interesting discovery. Then, a conversation with Whitaker leads Batman to a stunning action. Elsewhere, Hadiyah and Commissioner Montoya discuss their futures.
The Story: Although this is the final chapter of “The Right Question” storyline, there are a lot of interesting plot points being defined in this narrative. And I appreciate the way Ridley is able to capture the multiple storylines and present them in a cohesive manner. While I enjoyed all the character interactions, the standout is Jace. Ever since the Future State storyline, readers have watched Jace come to terms with his past and deal with carving out his place in the Bat Family. And while there has been measurable growth, Whitaker’s pointed observation challenges Jace in a new way. I am really interested in seeing how his current situation will resolve itself and how Jace will deal with the physical and emotional consequences of his actions.
The Art: The artwork in this issue is sublime. The action scenes are well done and interesting. While the world building panels are emotionally engaging and intense.