Hyde Street #4
Image Comics
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis
Inks by Danny Miki
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Rob Leigh
The Rundown: The tragic story of the Matinee Monster is revealed.

Oscar Oddman is a fledgling actor in Hollywood during the 40’s and the only thing going for him is his size as he’s hired to play the Frankenstein monster in a new comedy. As production continues, he finds a new purpose in his performance before things take a dark turn and paranoia about being replaced leads to a tragic end and a trip to Hyde Street.
As he finds himself under contract to the entity that controls the street, Oddman rebels and is subjected to a transformation that will turn him into a true monster. One that will do whatever it takes to end his contract.
The Story: A consistently thrilling and evocative ride from Geoff Johns. The story has a fantastic buildup of tension and paranoia throughout with a tragic ending that was entertaining. The story also has some great emotional moments for Oscar as he succumbs to his own dark impulses as well as the machinations of something he cannot understand. I also really loved the twist at the end of the issue and what it means for the world of these characters and the character himself. A great story that makes me want to see and experience more.
The Art: Reis delivers beautiful imagery throughout the issue. Every page is filled with amazing detail and emotion. I love Reis’ visual style everything that style brings to and enhances within this story.