Hyde Street #1

Image Comics

Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Inks by Danny Miki

Colors by Brad Anderson

Letters by Rob Leigh

The Rundown: A strange street in an unknown place is home for some dark entities looking for victims.

An older woman finds herself confused trying to cross the street of a strange town she can’t remember visiting. When a helpful little boy arrives to help her cross the street in order to get a new badge, she happily accepts until he reveals details of her dark past. Details that will lead to a tragic and violent end.

On Hyde Street, a man known as Mr. X-Ray reflects on the circumstances that altered his life years ago. Circumstances that he created with his greed and selfishness. Circumstances that have brought him to Hyde Street as one of its residents under the command of a mysterious force behind the façade.

The Story: Johns crafts an interesting and thoroughly entertaining new world of horror in this first issue. I am immediately intrigued by this world and the characters within it. I love that there is a dark rivalry between many of them and that the two featured are just the tip of this twisted iceberg. There is a wonderful unpredictability to the story and Johns does a great job of showing characters that are not good, but not completely bad either. There is nuance to these characters and their motivations and I look forward to seeing not only more of their conflicts, but also who is the entity pulling their collective strings.

The Art: I have been a fan of Ivan Reis’ art for a while now and I love the visual style of this issue. It is beautifully and brilliantly detailed in both the characters and the horror around them. Every page and panel is stunning in its design and layout.

Hyde Street #1



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