Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Ryan Ottley
Inks by Cliff Rathburn
Colors by Marte Gracia and Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Banner deals with his past trauma as he travels towards a new, unknown planet.

Bruce Banner finds himself in an intense therapy session with Doc Samson. After exploring an unknown part of his childhood where he finally felt safe, he ends the session to resume control of starship Hulk as they track a gamma signal through space.
After finding the source of the signal, Banner brings Hulk down to the planet and immediately discovers that something is strange about it. After being attacked by a horde of strange creatures, Hulk is rescued by a mysterious woman and her forces who know who Banner is.
The Story: Cates takes a moment to dive deeper into Bruce’s psychological issues and allows for an interesting moment that will more than likely be revisited later. The rest of the story is entertaining and has some great tension within it. I like the brevity of the story and how it doesn’t waste a lot of time getting to the heart of the plot. The tease at the end of the issue makes me interested in seeing where the story goes next.
The Art: Ottley delivers some great art in the issue. The visuals are fun, exciting and perfectly capture the tone of the story.