Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Martin Coccolo
Colors by Matt Wilson
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Iron Man takes on a newly freed Hulk and inadvertently makes things worse.

Hulk has been freed from the prison Banner has been keeping him in, but he isn’t aware of it. With all of the increasing fights he’s been put through, an attack by a celestial powered Tony Stark might push him over the edge.
At the same time, Odin tries to use Mjolnir to calm Hulk down while he tries to reach Banner within the creatures mind. Unfortunately, Thor’s warnings to Stark go unheeded and the resulting attack unleashes something that might be even worse than a rampaging Hulk.
The Story: Cates crafts an insanely exciting spectacle filled with rage, emotion and power. The story takes some great turns as all of the opposing forces push Hulk to the limit. I love seeing Odin try to calm things down and the story builds to a fantastic cliffhanger that could be potentially explosive.
The Art: Coccolo brilliantly delivers all of the energy, rage and action visually in this issue. Each page builds on the tension and thrills and brings everything together to a gorgeously detailed finale.