Home Sick Pilots #8
Image Comics
Written by Dan Watters
Art by Caspar Wijngaard
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Ami and Buzz try to find a way back to their old lives and Meg finds a new mission.

Ami tells Buzz the stories behind some of the items in the house as the house itself sits beneath the water and waits for her to return. As a means of cheering her up, Buzz takes Ami to a concert in order to reignite their connection to the music that brought them together. Unfortunately, the ghosts of the house continue to follow them and one named Marky has something special he wants to show Ami.
At the same time, Meg grows closer to the force that enhanced her powers and its connection to her band. A connection that causes tension between she and Rip. As the power influences her to continue her hunt for the house, Marky has something to show Ami. Something that will paint a target on her back.
The Story: Watters continues to craft and entertaining and intriguing mystery in this issue. The writing is great and all of the character interactions are compelling. I loved learning more about the ghosts in the house and the ominous nature of the entities at play. There’s an awesome cinematic feel to this series and this issue is no different. Both the scale of the story and the intimacy of its characters make for an entertaining and engaging series.
The Art: Wijngaard delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. The vibe and aesthetic are eye catching and the art perfectly captures the tone of the story and the personality of its characters.