Home Sick Pilots #5
Image Comics
Written by Dan Watters
Art by Caspar Wijngaard
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Ami tries to escape the house to find her friends, but the people going after the house have other plans.

Ami finally realizes that she is not alone. She knows her friends care about her and came to the house trying to find her. Unfortunately, the house wants to keep her and continues to transform itself to prevent her from escaping. IN a desperate attempt to finally break free, Ami decides to team with the ghosts of the objects she recovered and use their power to do something completely unexpected.
At the same time, Meg returns covered in blood and terrified of what she experienced in the house. When the group that kidnapped Buzz collects her, she leads them to the house just in time for it to begin to move on its own. An act that will cause the creature their working with to attack it leaving the fate of Ami, Buzz and the rest of the Home Sick Pilots in jeopardy.
The Story: Watters brings this arc to an exciting, but melancholy conclusion that raises a lot of questions I want answered. The good thing about that is that the story and characters are so engaging and the mystery so interesting that I want to continue reading in order to see what happens next. The arc did a great job of investing me in this world and Ami’s rebellion against the house was interesting and entertaining throughout.
The Art: Wijngaard delivers some great visuals throughout the issue. There are some great action scenes that are lively and full of details. I was impressed with the imagery throughout.