Home Sick Pilots #2
Image Comics
Written by Dan Watters
Art by Caspar Wijngaard
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Ami’s friends realize they need help if they are going to find her and Ami goes on her first mission for the house.
Ami’s introduction to her bandmates and friends is tense at first, but their bond forms quickly when they talk about music and starting a band. That bond is what leads her friends to come to the house looking for her and what makes them terrified for her when the house attacks and kills the rival band that came to the house as well. With few options and no way back into the house, her bandmates go looking for help.

At the same time, Ami finds herself acting as a vessel for the power living in the house. Her first mission is to recover a piece of the house. A piece that has given a young woman a life she both covets and regrets. As Ami attempts to retrieve the piece, she finds that it is not ready to go and proceeds to fight back violently to stay.
The Story: Watters does a great job of keeping the reader interested in these characters as well as moving the story forward with some innovative character development for Ami. Her mission is interesting from start to finish and all of the dialogue and narration make it more engaging to the reader as you begin to care about what is happening to her as well as the darkness manipulating her.
The Art: Caspar Wijngaard does a great job with the art in the issue. The characters are vibrant and interesting and the supernatural elements are done very well.