Home #1
Image Comics
Written by Julio Anta
Art by Anna Wieszczyk
Colors by Bryan Valenza
Letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
The Rundown: A mother and son cross the border looking for a better life, but one of them is hiding a powerful secret.

To escape the gang that murdered her husband, Mercedes Gomez and her son Juan trek from Guatemala to seek asylum in the United States. Thinking that they can stay with her sister once they are processed, the pair does not realize that the Trump Administration has enacted a Zero Tolerance policy regarding immigration. A policy they will be aware of once they turn themselves in for processing.
Once in the system, the pair are subjected to the conditions of the facility and Mercedes biggest fear comes to life when her son is taken from her and transported to another facility. Her fear is grounded in something more than concern for his welfare. Juan has begun manifesting strange abilities. Abilities that will become more powerful when the cruelty of the people guarding him force him to protect himself.
The Story: Julio Anta delivers some scathing and very real social commentary in this first issue while also crafting a great mystery for the reader. The story is compelling as well as the characters themselves. There are moments when you feel the tension these characters are going through and when Juan’s powers manifest, you worry about what is going to happen to him. This is a great first issue that is powerful, tragic and immensely engaging.
The Art: Anna Wieszczyk does a beautiful job with the art in this issue. Th characters are filled with life and emotion and the panels give great emphasis on the characters.