Hellions #12
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by Stephen Segovia
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: The Hellfire Gala would not be complete without a few gatecrashers courtesy of the Hellions.

It’s the night of the Hellfire Gala and the Hellions have not been invited. While Sinister, Psylocke and Havok have made it onto the guest list, the rest of the team is left to train and stew on why they were excluded. Greycrow is left in charge, but he is more interested in drowning his sorrows (and his feelings for Psylocke) in a bottle while the rest of the team gets more restless. Not taking rejection well, the team decides to crash the party.
As Sinister mingles with the assembled guest, including the Avengers, Xavier tells Alex that the rest of his team has arrived. After a series of awkward encounters, things get intense for Wild Child as a face from his past brings up old feelings within him. Feelings that are not reciprocated. As the hosts try to salvage the evening, the Hellions find themselves coming together as a team.
The Story: Wells crafts a fun and entertaining story in this issue. The characters are great and the dialogue is filled with humor and heart. The Sinister/Nanny interactions were some of my favorite moments, but I also really enjoyed Wild Child’s arc in the issue. These are some uniquely complicated characters and their journey is engaging to read. A great issue filled with clever writing and fun character development.
The Art: Segovia delivers some beautiful visuals throughout this issue. Everything from the characters to the environments look amazing.