Hellboy The Bones of Giants #4
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden
Art by Matt Smith
Colors by Chris O’Halloran
Letters by Clem Robins
The Rundown: Hellboy and Abe fight to save kidnapped villagers as the king of the frost giants attempts to bring back his army.

Hellboy, Abe and their team find a ghost city coming back to life as the king of the Frost Giants becomes more powerful. As they make their way down the mountain to the town, Hellboy realizes that the artifacts he’s carrying with him are starting to react to the area. He also realizes from his companions that the artifacts hold a secret. When the team discovers what the zombie frost giants are doing to the villagers, they split up to end the threat while Hellboy calls for their king.
While Abe fights to free the hostages being kept in the town, Hellboy and the dwarves battle an army of frost giants with the influence of Thor becoming stronger within Hellboy himself. With most of the threat dealt with, Hellboy finds himself facing off against the king of the frost giants in a battle that will end his war with the god of thunder one way or another.
The Story: Mignola and Golden bring this story to an epic and brilliant conclusion. The story has the right amount of humor, heart and action to keep me engaged and the plot brings together all of the story elements really well while also leaving enough mystery to make the reader want more. I love the pace and tone of this story and how it brought everything to a great Hellboy-worthy ending.
The Art: Matt Smith delivers some truly wonderful art in this issue. The action is beautifully detailed and filled with energy. The character moments are visually charming and the art perfectly captures the tone of the story.