Heartpiercer #4

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Rich Douek

Art by Gavin Smith

Colors by Roshan Kurlchiyanil

Letters by Justin Birch

The Rundown: Atala takes on a former ally to defend a town from werewolves.

Atala continues to her mission to take down her former allies including the one who has become the leader of a murderous band of werewolves terrorizing a town and its citizens. As she fights in defense of the town and its people, she underestimates the power of her enemy and pays a high price for it.

As she thinks back on the circumstances that brought her into the employ of Kuurn, the town fights a seemingly losing battle against the werewolf hordes until Atala emerges with a new power and a new purpose.

The Story: Douek continues to craft a thrilling and engaging adventure in this issue. The reader gets a fantastic backstory for Atala in the midst of a thrilling fight. I really love the progression of the story in this issue. There is awesome action throughout the story and Douek continues to create a fantastic world in this series. The story is beautifully immersive and I cannot wait to see where it goes next.

The Art: Smith delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. It is beautifully brutal and visually compelling.

Heartpiercer #4



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