HBO Max, Cartoon Network, and Lion Forge Animation announced today plans to adapt the popular Dark Horse Comics/YouNeek Studios graphic novel series, Iyanu: Child of Wonder, into a 2D children’s animated series. Created by Nigerian filmmaker Roye Okupe, Iyanu: Child of Wonder is an epic superhero tale steeped in Nigeria’s rich culture, music, and mythology. The series follows a teenage heroine who must uncover the mystery behind her newfound powers to save her people from an ancient curse threatening to destroy humanity.

David Steward II’s Lion Forge Animation (Academy Award®-winning Hair Love), a leading Black-owned animation studio recognized for creating and introducing authentic content focusing on underrepresented groups to worldwide audiences, is financing and overseeing production.
Brandon Easton (Transformers: War for Cybertron: SeigeMarvel’s Agent Carter) is heading the writers’ room, with Roye Okupe serving as the executive producer, writer, and director on multiple episodes. Lion Forge Animation’s Head of Production, two-time Emmy® winner Saxton Moore (Rise Up, Sing Out), will serve as supervising director.
Executive producers are David Steward II and Matt Heath from Lion Forge Animation, Erica Dupuis of Impact X Capital, Ryan Haidarian of Forefront Media Group, Doug Schwalbe, and Carl Reed.
Heavily influenced by the history and achievements of the Yoruba people of Nigeria, Iyanu: Child of Wonder is set in the magical kingdom of Yorubaland. The series follows a teenage orphan girl, Iyanu, who spends her days studying Yoruba history and ancient arts but yearns for a normal life. One day, responding to danger, she unknowingly triggers her divine powers, the likes of which have not been seen since the Age of Wonders. With newly discovered superpowers, Iyanu joins forces with two other teenagers as they embark on a remarkable journey to discover the truth about the evil lurking in her homeland. Throughout her adventure, she’ll uncover the truth about her past, her parents, and her ultimate destiny to save the world.

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