Haunt You to the End #3

Image Comics

Written by Ryan Cady

Art by Andrea Mutti

Colors by Andrea Mutti

Letters by Frank Cvetkovic

The Rundown: The investigation into the island reveals more mystery and betrayal.

Shah’s team has been split and the doctor along with Gersh and the Padre find themselves investigating an abandoned derrick that has seen its fair share of murders and suicides. As things get more dangerous for the team, the doctor breaks off from the group to gather some information on her own.

When Gersh discovers that the expedition is being betrayed from within, she goes on the attack and the melee not only causes her to be lost, but leads to an explosion that might compromise the entire team.

The Story: Cady ramps up the tension and mystery in an issue that has some great twists throughout. I love the rising tension and terror throughout the story and the environment adds to both brilliantly. The characters continue to be engaging and I continue to enjoy their interactions and how things are being revealed throughout the plot. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

The Art: Mutti delivers some powerful art throughout the issue. The visuals are stunning and filled with great atmosphere and details.

Haunt You to the End #3



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