Harley Quinn #7
DC Comics
Written by Stephanie Phillips
Art by Riley Rossmo
Colors by Ivan Plascencia
Letters by Deron Bennett
The Rundown: Harley and Kevin go on a wild search. Keepsake makes an alliance.

Harley narrates her current state of mind as she and the former clowns practice meditation in a forest. During a break she and Kevin run into someone in need of assistance. The two then go on a harrowing escapade in search of a missing pet. Afterwards, Harley runs into an old associate with surprising information. Meanwhile, Keepsake teams up with a group that shares his mindset and someone unexpected reeks havoc on Gotham city.
The Story: Phillips creates an interesting narrative that pushes forward the Fear State storyline. This is a fun adventure that heavily features Harley and Kevin in the best possible way. I really enjoy how Kevin acts as Harley’s moral compass and forces her to reevaluate the actions she takes. His presence makes her a better person, and it causes her ending revelation to feel that much more satisfying.
The Art: This issue is filled with bright colors and youthful drawings with slightly distorted character features. The emphasis on detail really brings the story to life, especially in the action oriented scenes.