large-6517257Harley Quinn #63

DC Comics

Written by Sam Humphries

Art by Otto Schmidt

Letters by Dave Sharpe

The Rundown: Things are getting serious for Harley on multiple fronts as Death comes looking for.

As a new hero declares war on Harley Quinn, his crusade is cut short by the appearance and intervention of Death himself. At the same time, Harley and her mother receive devastating news from her doctor and this sends Harley out to find a small piece of joy she can hold onto.

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When she discovers one of her old haunts, she enters to remember the good times she had when she was young. Unfortunately, Death arrives to carry Harley away and she has to decide how she’s going to beat death if she any chance of getting back to her mother.

The Story: The story in this issue and straight forward and continues Harley’s journey to an unknown destiny with the Lords of Chaos and Order. Sam Humphries keeps the tone relatively light for the seriousness of its subject matter and that plays perfectly into who Harley Quinn is as a character. It’s an interesting issue, but the stakes it introduces felt a little flat when compared to the other trials she’s gone through. The issue redeems itself with the ending which brings Harley into the upcoming “Year of the Villain” storyline.

The Art: Otto Schmidt’s art is really good. It has a fun, frenetic style in its panels that give the story a sense of movement and urgency.

Harley Quinn #63




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