STL088852Harley Quinn #48

DC Comics

Written by Sam Humphries

Art by Alisson Borges

Colors by Gabe Eltaeb

Letters by Dave Sharpe

Gallivanting through outer space and performing missions for the Justice League and Suicide Squad all sound exciting, but they’re no excuse for not paying one’s bills. A lesson Harley Quinn is learning the hard way as a wrecking crew is primed to tear down her home and displace her, Coach and Harley’s menagerie of creatures. With Coach chaining herself to the entrance, Harley finds out that she does have one option to keep her home from becoming town houses.


She has two days to get the money to pay her mortgage and she decides to take a series of jobs to try to make that happen. It does not go well. With time ticking away, Harley finds a solution that might bring her enough money to pay all of her bills off. All she has to do is find and assassinate a new player in Jersey who has shown his will and power during a raid on the docks. After tracking him down, Harley finds that taking him out might be harder than she thought.

Humphries continues to tell a fun story with Harley. The stakes are relatively low and that helps to make this story more personal, which works for the character. Harley and the other characters in the issue are written in a fun way and I actually really liked the side story with Tina. I want to see how she fares in the world, especially with Harley Quinn as her guide.

Alisson Borges has some fun and really detailed artwork in this issue. I really enjoyed the way she rendered the characters and the way the story is composed, the art complements the lighter tone and more comedic sentiments of this story.

Harley Quinn #48




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